Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Why Overlook Sports?!

Playing recreational or competitive sports is the easiest, most fun way to get a cardio or full body workout in. This is my main cardio escape and I find it works great. Soccer is my favorite but I tend to join in on whatever I can. If my friends are going to play basketball, even though I am brutal, I still tag along and get great exercise. The point I am making is these types of activities provide great workouts and are a great deal of fun at the same time. Give it a sample because I think you will be delightfully surprised. Try new things and see how they work. Haha, I hated baseball with a passion, after playing some slow pitch with my friends, I actually enjoy going out and swinging for the fences now!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Ready, Set... GO!!

How is everyone doing tonight? So today was the day it all started. Dave started his workouts!

I will go into a little bit of detail about some of the things he is doing to help accomplish his goal.

He is doing a weight program 3 times a week. Whatever muscle he is working, he will do 3 sets of 12 reps. By doing this regiment, it creates a base of muscle but doesn't bulk up. It makes a toned muscle, not a bulky muscle. Dave's program is an over all body workout, so he does a little bit of each muscle, not where he is just focusing on a certain area. After weights he finishes his workout with 20 minutes of cardio, now it has to be 20 mintues so he will go at whatever pace he wants so he can achieve that time.

On a day where he doesn't do weights, Dave will do a 45 - 60 cardio workout. Just cardio, no weights. Again, he will go at a pace where by he can finish the whole time. In no time, he will be able to step up his pace and/or time.

Now any day of the week, preferably on a day where he is doing no other working out, Dave is gonna do some type of sport. Now he won't be doing this at a high level or intense rate. This will be great to loosen his body up and keep him active. It works nice as a stress release and down time. So there you have it, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email or leave a comment. Dave really liked all those inspirational emails you all sent, Thank you.

So I talked about Daves weight program, the reason I didn't go into detail on what exactly he was doing is because everyone is different. It would be something to get information about. Getting a workout plan from a professional always works best because they can get you going in the right direction. A place I highly recommend for getting a program for any skill level is - Workout Pass - this place has over 100000 workouts for anything you need. So thats all for today. Take It Eas!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Starts Tomorrow

So I have some more information on Dave and his routine. What he is trying to go for is a bit of everything. He is going to ease into everything for starters. Doing this he will limit the chance of injury. The basics of this routine are this; go to the gym 3 times a week, main cardio one day, and a sport another day. The days he goes to the gym he will put in about 20mins of cardio as well. It seems pretty simple and straight forward, and is, but he needs to get in to a committed schedule. Tomorrow I will explain more in depth what he enjoys to do for exercise, cardio, and sports functions. See you then!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I Finally Got The Pictures

So, I have been talking about how my friend Dave wanted to lose some weight and fit up a little. Well I finally talked him into letting me take a couple of pictures. I have 2 pictures total of how he looks right now today. Over his progress, we will take more pictures to track how much different he will look in when he reaches his final goal. He is 250 lbs right now and wants to be back at his highschool weight of just over 200lbs.

So now that I have taken the pictures, Dave and I are going to sit down and go over what he will do to acheive this goal. I will be posting everything all within the next couple of days. We will go over what he plans to do for a workout, and cardio and fitness things he plans on doing, and of course what type of eating he will assume. Please feel free to give him some pointers and comments.

Everyone knows the ups and downs that trying to lose weight can bring, we will also try and keep a close log on Dave and his attitude and feelings. I am confident he will do it 100%.

If you are looking for a program of any sort for yourself then I highly recommend this site - Workout Pass - this site is amazing and has ton of different workout and fitness plans. You will find everything you are looking for and much more!

So until tomorrow, have a great day and talk to you soon!!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Goodness for Men

Weight loss for a man isn't really too different then weight loss for a woman. When it comes down to it, all of the same things are entailed, it's just guys usually have different habits then the ladies. What we are going to talk about right now are the few things that you can start doing that will increase your success level for weight loss.

Bad habits will have to die hard in order to succeed in this health race. Most of us know the habits I am talking about, but for those who don't, I will list a couple off as examples. Fast food lunches instead of home made lunches, and another is drinking beer. Now, I'm not saying you need to cut them out all together, just try and limit them. A way to help limit the habits is having better alternatives around. Like I said above, pack a lunch for work, if you have one made there will be no reason to go get fast food. Usually a lot of our unhealthy choices come from not being prepared and organized.

This brings us to our next topic, be organized. No, this doesn't mean that if you have a clean organized home you will lose weight. What I mean is that having stuff written down and getting certain things prepared will help you succeed. Have the health and fitness related things that you want accomplished written down on paper. If you are going to make lunches for yourself everyday in the week, make sure and be prepared enough to have all the food you will need to make those lunches. You are probably thinking, well this stuff is easy. The truth is that weight loss for a man is easy. In order to make it work though, you need to be consistent.

Which takes us to our last point, stay committed and positive. You may not see results within a week, don't get discouraged. If you stay committed and keep a positive mind the results will come. Use these simple concepts and you will find yourself on the road to good health and feeling better. There will be days where you feel you need junk food, or you think that eating healthy is too hard. Days like those are where you need to take control and follow through with what you want to accomplish and achieve. Stay positive and you will see the results you are looking for.

The majority of all people over look the final thing I would like to share. Again, it is something very simple, but can also affect the weight loss for a man. Water! Try and drink your daily body requirements of water. Your body will thank you for it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

It's Called Water, Try Some!!

This is gonna be pretty short tonight, I am exhausted and it is 1:15 am. It's been a long day.
For tons of great information and knowledge about losing weight and having the body and health you want I recommend the book Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle - great for all aspects of getting fit.

So tonights post is about water intake. The majority of people don't get their daily requirements when it comes to water intake. This has a lot to do with thought process. Have a water bottle with you. Drink water instead of the many other things we sip on. 8 cups is what the average person should consume in a day. This is average. If you are doing fitness and sports then it will definatley increase your need for more water. You will notice the different and it makes a huge impact on a healthy body. Don't starve your body of the water it needs. It's to easy to do, SO DO IT!!

Talk to you all again soon. Drink Up


Sunday, April 1, 2007

Making It Fun

Fitness through fun - The Olympian

Fitness through fun
The Olympian, WA - 17 hours ago
So far, Briggs is one of the only South Sound health clubs to offer this type of equipment. Although several clubs offer youth activities, a survey of local ...