Sunday, February 25, 2007

Something For Those Abs

Hey there, good to see you again.

One thing we all have in common is, we all want a flat stomach. If your male, you want a nice six pack. If your female, you want a tight, tonned, flat stomach. So today I am going to quickly talk about some things that can help you acheive that dream stomach. The one thing that people don't realize is that everyone has a nice tonned flat stomach, but the problem is the layer of fat over top of it. You need to cut down that layer in order to see the full effect of those abs. All the ab exercises in the world won't show nice abs unless you trim that stomach fat. Another thing that I have found is that you should do a variety of different exercises, don't just stick to the same ab workout everytime you work out. There should be different things within your workout to generate better ab success. Some cardio, abdomine, and core exercises are great all around things to do. Hope that information gives you an idea of what areas need to be worked on for ab perfection.

A great Ab book I recommend is The Truth About Six-Pack Abs, Abdominals, this book really goes into detail and diet on how to get the abs you desire. Click the link above to check it out.

Also if you are searching for a program for yourself there is a great place to go. This site has over 100000 different programs and can focus a program on whatever need you have. Weight Loss, Muscle Mass, Fitness, and many more. You can find them at Workout Pass

Later this week I will be going a bit more in depth about the areas I touched on today. If you have any ideas and comments, please feel free to email or post your comment.

Talk to you all later.