Tuesday, April 3, 2007

It's Called Water, Try Some!!

This is gonna be pretty short tonight, I am exhausted and it is 1:15 am. It's been a long day.
For tons of great information and knowledge about losing weight and having the body and health you want I recommend the book Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle - great for all aspects of getting fit.

So tonights post is about water intake. The majority of people don't get their daily requirements when it comes to water intake. This has a lot to do with thought process. Have a water bottle with you. Drink water instead of the many other things we sip on. 8 cups is what the average person should consume in a day. This is average. If you are doing fitness and sports then it will definatley increase your need for more water. You will notice the different and it makes a huge impact on a healthy body. Don't starve your body of the water it needs. It's to easy to do, SO DO IT!!

Talk to you all again soon. Drink Up
