Friday, March 30, 2007

Reflecting On A Day

First I would like to start off by tell you about a great Affirmation Goal Setting Motivational Software - Affirmations Software - Sculptor3. - It works well on your computer to help set goals and really motivate a person to follow through and be successfull. Check it out.

Now I have beening trying something out myself recently. I have been writing my daily food on paper at the end of each day. What this has done for me is, it really shows me everything I ate. It sounds odd, but until I saw it on paper, I never was really bothered to worry about it. Seeing it now give me the chance to see and realize where I can change some things for the better. I also have kept them for refference for later on.

This is something that I am going to keep doing and I will even post one of my daily food intakes on the blog here soon. You all can see how I eat and maybe some things I should change.

Until next time my friends, take care!